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PheonixVerse Empty PheonixVerse

Post by ThievingArtistic Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:48 pm

This section will be a despository of all my Pheonix Children related knowledge and concepts, feel free to post any random ideas or story concepts you have btw! i will try to do the same

Last edited by ThievingArtistic on Sun Aug 24, 2014 3:27 am; edited 1 time in total


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PheonixVerse Empty Concept stuff!

Post by ThievingArtistic Thu May 02, 2013 8:19 pm

Okay, no that my brain has regained function lets actually get this started

Basic Premise: The story of Phoenix Children focuses on a group of twelve youths, all of whom ran away from thier places of residence for various reasons, who are all drawn together as if by fate. they ride around in a brightly colored bus and often encounter strange and wonderus situations, their situation of being weird magnets not helped by the fact that, soon after finding thier youngest and newest member, they came across a chest full of mystical trinkets of questionable origin while hiding out in an abondoned house one night.

The trinkets, or rather artifacts all bonded with one of the group, endowing them with a variety of strange abilities. and from there on out its been one bizzare supernatural encounter after the other. along with the day to day troubles of getting by and avoiding the authourities, not to mention the occsional not supernatural problem. as more and more time passes ti becomes more and more apparent that no one in the phoenix children is... normal. per se.

Basic plan

The story takes place over 5 main years, which will mostply be composed of random vingets, except for the final year, which will have a select group of stories i have dubbed "Blaze of Glory" which will mark the completion of most of the characters arcs.

there will also be another story in the same universe called Fountain of Thieves which will detail the backstories of a specific group of characters from the phoenix children.

after the main 5 year stories, the group will be broken up due to shenanagins and will spend 6 years apart as they either try to find eachother or a forced back to boring normal life, this perios will be known as "Fall to Ashes"

finally there will be a concluding story predictably named "Rise Again" where the group finally reunites and faces one of their oldest and most despised foes.

i may or may not come up with more stuff
Elemental Themes

Each of the phoenix children is assosiated with an element

Phoenix: Life

Angel: Death

Techie: Water

WildCat: Thunder

Red: Order

Lala: Chaos

Jem: Earth

Hotshot: Fire

Specs: Wind

Nightwalker: Darkness

Sunset: Light

Z: Illusion

while this relates both to certain aspects of thier character and the powers of thier artifacts, i also ccame up with a larger over arching plot involving them.
Creation Myth of the Keystones

In the beginning, There was nothing.
Well, not nessesarily nothing, but anything that was there was still, silent, sleeping. Awaiting a moment to awaken.
And then, came a spark. And from that spark was born an entity of pure power.
Her name, was life.
Life’s arrival on our fledgling world spurred a flurry of activity, volcanoes belched forth molten stone, water began to flow, winds raged, and the sun ignited.
Life, alone, looked to the sky and saw  the stars, millions of them, sppured to brighten by the arrival of those like her.
But they were far, far away, and if there anything similar to herself on our planet, they were either still asleep, or too busy to greet her.
So for a time, life wandered the forming planet alone, until eventually, she did come across another.
This being, the first life met, was one that would follow her forever, a sister force that would always be near no matter where went.
This was Death.
Death was a somber creature, but not malicious, she greeted her sister, and life greeted her in kind, and so they continued wandering the newborn planet.
As the planet slowly settled into being around them, they were finally greeted by others.
Fire crawled from a still smoking volcano to greet the sisters.
Water came up from the now deep sea,
And Air flew down from the clouds to join them.
These three had been hard at work, their awakenings shaping our world in its earliest infancy, and they apologized for not being able to greet Life when she had arrived.
Others were still to come
One day, from one of Airs clouds emerged the mischevious being known As thunder, who surged up to life and embraced her, much to lifes chagrin.
More time passed, and slowly, the ground on which life had been wandering began to sprout plants, and the first great forest began its life, the final of what would become known as the 5 primal forces came to greet life and her companions.
The child of the planet itself, Earth greeted the party with a silent bow.
For a time, these 7 wandered the planet together, watching the creations their awakenings had sparked into being evolve.
As the creatures of the world began to gain minds capable of thought, a new being suddenly appeared to greet them.
A feisty, immaterial being known as illusion, awakened by the first thoughts ever conceived by minds.
Illusion was shadowed by another companion, Darkness, who walked silently up to life and greeted her kindly. And life asked if, like the others, he had been there the whole time.
Darkness simply smiled in return.
As the world spun on around them, they were soon enough joined by darkness’ brother, Light, a wise being always looking toward the future.
For another time, the group was happy, but they could still sense others of their kind near, asleep unable to join their family.
They came upon the two in sleep, two beings that lay hand in hand, and life leaned down and touched them, sparking them awake.
The twin beings rose, still hand in hand, and introduced themselves as order and chaos.
Order and chaos were curious beings, and never let go of eachother’s hands . if one were to ask order why, he would say that he simply had to hold onto chaos. If one were to as chaos, she would wonder why she would ever want to let go of order.
Time spun on, and the family of pure beings lived together in happiness, even when they argued, bickered and fought they could ultimately never bear to be without eachother.
And the creatures and fledgling communities of earth took an odd comfort in the great beings eternal, wandering presence.
Until one day, something that was before unthinkable occurred.
Chaos, the innocent, curious creature, becam enamored with something she saw moving in the sky,
And let go of order’s hand for the time in her remembered existence.
Unfettered by orders touch her power flung across the land and wreaked havoc unimaginable and though order grabbed her back as swiftly as he could the damage was done.
Cities and communities were in ruin, and countless creatures had perished in the disaster.
The ones that were still living looked to the great beings they once so loved with fearful, angry eyes.
They called for retribution, but the other would have turned the planet to slag before they allowed the creatures to lay a hand of harm upon chaos.
Life stepped forward staying the protective hands of her companions and began to attempt negotiations with the insensed inhabitants of the planet.
No amount of reasurence could quell their anger however, and life, after briefly communing with her dear companions, no, her family, could come to only one solution that would resolve the situation.
“If you can no longer tolerate us in our true, unfettered form, then I supposed with have choice but to accept certain tethers to quell your fears.”
“From this moment forward, we will live among you, we will take immaterial forms and inhabit the bodies of creatures like yourselves.”
Lifes voice was clear as a bell and slowly the mobs raged calmed.
“But know this, we are not like you, though the bodies we will take for your comfort will be as vulnerable to my sisters touch as your own, we will not truly die, each time we perish we will simply move onto another body, another lifetime.”
Lifes voice was cold at this point, a hint of resentment toward these creatures her arrival had given existence all too  apparent. She could still feel them, there were others, like her and her family, awaiting awakening somewhere among the planets many planes.
“we will never leave. We will always be here, and our power, though fettered, will never fade.”
Before she and her family faded into a mortal existence, Life sent out one last wish into the void. A wish for any sleeping entities that she and her companions had yet to meet to follow them, so that they may one day be awakened and join her family.
But no one knows if this wish was ever granted.


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PheonixVerse Empty Re: PheonixVerse

Post by ThievingArtistic Sun Aug 24, 2014 3:37 am


In Phoenix children I want to establish that there is a clear divide between the “Mundane” and “Mystic” sides of the worlds, like in
Harry Potter, and this and this extends to things like Law and legislation. While most Mystic segments of the worlds have Laws that reflect those of their Mundane counterparts, the procedures and wordings vary greatly due to the extrodinary circumstances.

That was wordy and probably didn’t make a lot of sense, but in short, the Mystic realm has their own Cops, those cops are the members of the Wolfsung organization. I’m picturing the wolfsung org’s origin story having something to do with old time human/mage monster hunters finding kinship and commradarie with the not so evil montsters (originally stuff like vampires and shifters/werewolves hence the name)

Wolfsung agents work in teams of 2 and often start training very young as “cubs” many of whom often get training on site via being placed in the care of a wolfsung agent pair.
All wolfsung agents with a decidedly non human form, such as shifters must wear a restraint of sorts, in the form of a collar/necklace/ bracelet or other such accessory, which holds back their power and allows them to interact in Mundane spaces without going monster on people when pissed off. Their partner will be the one holding whatever is required to release the restraint, which they are only supposed to do under extrodrinary circumstances that would required the unbridled power.

So far I have 5 established Wolfsung pairs I want to focus on, they’ll interact occasionally but will mostly be stuck on various cases thoughout the world. I want to give each team a code name and a code name for each agent as well but I don’t have many concrete ideas yet, so think with your amazing brain if you please. I also need help coming up with a ranking system/heirchy for the Wolfsung.

Team 1: Aunali and Sitara

Team 1 (need names for all teams pretty much)

Agent 67348

Name: Aunali Rainsworth

Code name: (need Ideas for all that I leave blank)

Age: 23

Species: Human/Mage

Height: 5’2”

Hair: light Brown

Eyes: Olive Green

Heritage: Irish and Dutch

Mage Classification: Atmo mage (Water/thunder/air)

Weapon/Focus item: A pair of handcrafted fans with enchanted bead and feather decoration

Distinguishing marks: Large scar on back of right shoulder that coils arounf the length of upper arm ending at elbow

Comments: Orphan raised in Wolfsung custody since age 6. Completed training and began service at age 16, lost original partner three years later, original partner now MIA and presumed killed in action. Persists that original partner must still be alive and should be monitored while on assignment to make sure she doesn’t
stray from objectives.

Agent 3429

Name: Sitara Rai

Code Name: The Crimson Claw

Age: Uncertain, post pubescence for shifters so presumed chronological age in the 40-50 range. Although hybrid nature makes even this estimate tentative. Has not been observed to age since entering force.

Species: Tiger Shifter/ Vampire hybrid

Height: 6’6”

Hair: Russet brown with natural black and ginger streaking

Eyes: hybrid Red

Heritage: Indian

Distinguishing Marks: heavy scaring on left cheek and right side of forehead

Shifted form: Full Shifted form Only ever witnessed by partners and the Agent who oversaw her training and initiation. all witnesses refused comment. thus presumed that fully shifted form is malformed to hybridization.

Restraints: due to volitale hybrid nature, 4 restraint objects are required to fully keep power restrained to manageable levels. These take the form of 2 heavy metal bracelets, a metal arm cuff and a leather and iron collar.

Comments: Entered wolfsung training program 17 years ago when she was presumed to be newly post pubescent. Completed training in single year, current record for hybrid agents. Initial partner killed in action in her 10th year of service. Loss of partner caused her much distress and it took an entire year for her reach sanity again, took another two years to find her a partner she did not attempt to attack or abandon.

(Author comments: Sitara and Aunali are basically my buddy cop/odd couple pair. As you saw in the profiles both lost their previous partners in the line of duty, Aunali belives her original partner, a vampire named Elliot, to still be alive and often keeps an eye and ear out for any hints of what happened to him while on assignment. Sitara by contrast actually witnessed her Partners rather gruesome death and it affected her greatly.

The two personality wise are like a pair of mismatched college room mates. Aunali is a rather calm, reserved but fun loving girl who nonetheless takes her job very seriously. But just a placid sky can turn to a storm in an instant, she can be quite fearsome when angered (or drunk).  She’s also incredibly intelligent and has great deduction skills, making her one of the wolfsungs finest.

Her general calm often makes her look like a stick in the mud next to the brash, impulsive Sitara, who is a rather unfettered spirit with a morbid sense of humor and a natural bloodlust only barely held back by her restraints and her periodical “Hunts”(IE abusing the wolfsungs teleportation rescources spells/ the internet/other sources to hunt down and kill various criminals (her favourite “prey” is poachers, smugglers and other various organized criminals) Aunie is getting really sick of helping her dispose of the bodies).
Despite all their differences however, they are a good team, the clever, spry Aunali being the brains of the outfit and Sitara being the unbridled power. Though of course their clahing personalites can often make investigations go sour.
They also have 2 “cubs” under their care, who ill tell you about later.

Team 2: Saffron and Ferragon


Agent 54673

Name: Saffron

Code name: The Golden Alpha/the Alpha Female

Age: 47 (appears about 25 or so be human standards)

Species: WereWolf

Height: 5’4”

Hair: golden Yellow

Eyes: bronze/gold

Shifted form: Large tawny colored Wolf

Restraint: simple enchanted crystal collar worn around neck, agents natural levelheadedness has even allowed for her to be trusted with a key to her own restraint while on assignment.

Comments: one of the most exemplary agents in recent memory, entered training about 15 years ago while still in early adolencence, finished training in 3 years. Has been one of the finest on the force ever since

Agent 12543

Name: Ferragon

Code name:

Age: assumed to be 30

Species: Human/Mage

Heritage: presumed African American

Height: 6’ 2”

Hair: dark brown with natural black and russet highlights

Eyes: dark Blue

Mage classifications: Earth/Air/Illusion

Weapon/focus item: a jeweled oak staff that he can shrink to miniscule size to be worn as an earring

Comments: a fine agent raised in Wolfsung custody after his mother, a previous agent, vanished in action. Holding strong with 12 years of service.

Notes: not much to say about these 2 so far, at least, nothing that im totally on board with putting into type, definitely want to discuss some stuff for these 2 (and a few other characters) next time we meet in person.

General personalities. Saffron is a flirty ball of bubbly fun off the job and a master tracker and fighter while on it. Ferragon is rather dour and sour faced most of the time but is very good at his job and quite the strategist. Despite their opposite personalities they mesh greatly and are one of the finest teams on the force.

Team 3: Bellamy and Ed.

Agent: 251213

Name: Bellamy Sanchez

Code name:


Species: Human/Mage

Heritage: Latina

Height: 5’ 8”

Hair: Black

Eyes: Bright Blue

Mage classification: Darkness/water

Weapon/focus item: a large metal bracelet adorned with stones

Comments: Child of long line of wolfsung agents, has been training since childhood and has recently completed training and been inducted into the force. We have high hopes for this young agent.

Agent: 542139

Name: Ed (no last name known)

Code name:

Age: unknown, presumed to be in mid 20s

Species: Wolfshifter/Werewolf. Presumed former human

Height: 6’ 8”

Hair: ginger and russet

Eyes: Red brown

Distinguishing marks: large amount of scarring along abdominal and arm areas

Shifted form: Unknown as of now, presumed to be wolf based on DNA examinations

Restraint: a heavy but loose spiked collar with a padlock sealing it shut. Key for padlock or other means of removing the restraint have not been found as of now.

Comments: this young man was found by wolfsung agents 3 years ago in what remained of one of the hideouts of a known rouge shifter group. He had complete amnesia save for the memory of his name and species and agents have so far been unable to remove the restraint around his neck, which prevents him from transforming even during the nights of lunar apex.

The agents who found him decided to include him in the training of the next batch of recruits, and despite the handicap of his restraint he preformed amiably and is newly graduated. He is to be kept under careful surveillance.

Notes: these 2 are my Rookie Pair. Bellamy is a young upstanding girl determined to prove herself. She’s very passionate about the wolfsung’s mission of protection and knows most of their code of conduct by heart, Though her obsession with the supposed rules can often lead to her not thinking clearly in times of crisis. Her determination keeps her from giving up in the face of failure, but she does stress herself out rather easily.

By Contrast, her partner Ed is a spacey sort, An amnesiac with barely any knowledge about himself and a notable lack of concentration and a streak of forgetfulness. He also, as stated in his profile, is unable to transform due to the restraint collar around his neck, which he was found with and which the wolfsung have so far been unable to remove. He easily goes along with Bellamy’s more outgoing, leaderish attitude, but often worries that he is more a burden than a help.

They both get thrown for a loop however when, after one of the first missions they ever undertake, they wind up charged with the care of a young vampire girl who they rescued and placed in the wolfsung’s “Cub” program.

Team 4: Brinley and Bijan

Agent 23349

Name: Brinley Rodgers

Code name:

Age: 25

Species: Nymph

Heritage: African American

Hair: Dark brown, Curly

Eyes: Blue/green

Height: 5’ 10”

Restraint: N/A

Comments: An interesting Young agent who has been in training since the age of 10, having graduated at age 22 he and his partner have preformed amiably so far and have much promise. Although his tempermental personality should be noted.

Agent 98401

Name: Bijan O’Conell

Code name:

Age: 23

Species: Human/Mage

Heretige: Celtic

Hair: dirty Blonde

Eyes: Deep, Bright Green

Height: 6’ 0”

Mage classification: Earth

Focus item: Handcarved wooden choker inlaid with green gem like substance

Comments: An enigmatic young Agent with a Bright future. He could stand to take a bit more confidence in himself and his abilities. Has also been considered for reassignment of partner incase of current partners tempermental nature becomes a detriment.

Author notes: These 2 are what ill call my “middle of the road” pair. Theyre not as rookie as Ed and Bell, but not as experienced as Saff and Fer, and not QUITE as loose cannon as Aunie and Tara. They’re a young, promising pair well on their way up the wolfsung hierarchy, though theyre often impeded from promotions due to clashing ideologies with the top brass.

Brinley is an interesting creature, it took me forever to decide what kind of creature he should be before I settled on Nymph for a few reasons, most of which are better discussed in person. Anyway Brin Has a rather short fuse hidden beneath a calm, cold demeanor. He often seems to have only 2 settings: “I don’t want to talk to you” and “I will rip your face off if you say another word”. The only people this dichotomy doesn’t apply too are Bijan and a few other main character class wolfsung Agents. He’s also the character in the series with the most astute eye on climbing the ranks, Though the reasons for him having such a fixation are a little foggy.

In contrast Bijan is just a really, really nice guy. Some would say he has the patience of a saint to deal with Brinley’s chaotic emotions. Though of course like all people he has his limits, push him far enough and he gets scary. His family is considered pretty big time old guard awesome by the Wolfsung higher ups and they expect a lot from him, and even consider Brin a “Detriment to his potential” he’s been offered a change of partner many times by the upper Brass but he’s having none of it. Brinley is the only partner he wants, and anyone who has a problem can BACK THE FUCK OFF.

Team 5: Ari and Al

Agent 564

Name: Aurum Edeson

Code name: Dragon Rider

Age: 134 (appears early 30’s)

Species: Human/Mage

Heritage: British

Hair: Medium Blonde

Eyes: Pale Blue

Hieght: 5’ 7”

Mage classification: Illusion and Light

Focus item: ornate jeweled elder wood walking stick/staff

Comments: One of the finest agents ever to grace the force. Now largely retired and relegated to the training of young ones ever since he was blinded in both eyes 28 years ago. Continued youth and close relationship with partner prove ancient theories about dragon borne remedies most likely true.

Agent 411

Name: Alaric Ignias

Code Name: Fire Wing

Ager: 145 (appears mid 30s)

Species: European Dragon

Heritage: Welsh

Hair: Orange gold

Eyes: Bright Gold

Height: 6’ 3”

Distinguishing marks: “tattoo” of red and gold scales along neck and sides of face when in human form

Shifted Form: Huge 60 foot long dragon with red/gold scales

Restraint: Simple jeweled gold Choker worn around neck

Comments: A member of the revered Red dragon clan, and the first of his clan born on American soil. Achieved many great feats in his time and is still an active agent today despite his partner’s incapaciatation. Incredible power and skill. He and his partner are living legends

Author comments: FINALLY the last pair. These 2 are basically the old guard mentors to the rest of the cast. Legendary badasses in their day who only come out to kick ass when things are mega serious.

Ari, as most people call him, is a calm soul with a sagely air about him. Despite the loss of his eye sight he is still able to function normally due to his outstanding mental/ psychic abilities which give him other ways to “see”. Aurum was in charge of training most of the cast and treats them as if they were his own kids almost. He’s a quiet creature who seems at once inhuman and yet the most human person one will ever meet. Though there are definatly parts of him that yearn for his adventurous past.

Alaric is more along the lines of the “cool big brother” to the main cast. Stories say that he was once a hotheaded hellraiser in his glory days but now maintanes a cool, detached demeanor. He has his own soft spot for the main cast though and will give them what advice he can. He enjoys passing quiet days with Ari, whom he is incredibly loyal ad devoted to. The higher ups have tried to sway him many times to take a new partner and return to full active duty, but he refuses every time.

Last edited by ThievingArtistic on Fri Sep 05, 2014 3:37 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : more profiles will add cubs later or show you next i see you)


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Join date : 2013-02-08
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